Why the rise in divorce rates is a good thing

Man and woman sitting on a sofa looking unhappy

It's easier than ever to get divorced. I say easier with a massive pinch of irony. Divorce is never easy. Anyone who has experienced it first hand can tell you that it's stressful, overwhelming, scary, expensive and emotionally draining. The legal process is easier (less paperwork and no blame game) but the emotional turmoil that a break-up can cause is just the same. 


The more conservative amongst us will you that these statistics are awful and yes of course on the face of it they are. No-one enters a marriage thinking it will end but unfortunately they do. Affairs happen, people change, couples fall out of love, work can become more important than a partner, there are a hundred reasons why marriages end. 


Since the introduction of the 'no fault' divorce in 2022 there has been an increase in the number of divorces filed. But is that a bad thing? If you are in a marriage that is loveless, stressful, or worse - abusive, surely the right thing to do is to end it? 


No-one should have to stay in a marriage that is having a negative effect on their mental or emotional well being.


Divorce has less stigma now than ever before and the increase in the number of divorces indicates that people are not willing to sacrifice their wellbeing for the sake a wedding ring and a title. 


And that is a good thing. 


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