How journaling can help you move on from divorce

open journal with a red cup in the background

 Did you know that journaling can be a powerful tool for healing?


Just like talking to someone about feelings, experiences, and emotions can be cathartic and healing, journaling can also help you release thoughts and stored-up emotions.


If you’ve experienced a stressful divorce or breakup then journalling can really help you process all the emotions that you’re dealing with. 


Because  we can only write one thing at a time, journaling forces us to slow down, organise our thoughts, and focus on them individuallyJournaling can provide greater clarity on what is causing anxiety, help identify patterns, and recognise the emotions accompanying the anxiety.

Journaling allows you to pour your emotions onto paper, to give your thoughts a safe place to breathe. Here's how else it can help:

1️⃣ Emotional Release: Writing down your feelings helps release the emotional pressure, giving you a sense of relief and clarity.

2️⃣ Self-Reflection: It's an opportunity to understand your emotions, dissect the pain, and learn from the experience.

3️⃣ Growth and Healing: Journaling can be a transformative journey. As you pour your heart onto the pages, you also pour the foundation for healing.

4️⃣ Tracking Progress: Documenting your thoughts over time shows you just how far you've come. It's proof that healing is happening.

5️⃣ Setting Intentions: Use your journal to set intentions for your future. What kind of life do you want? What lessons have you learned?

So, if you're on the path to healing from heartbreak, pick up a pen or open a journaling app. Your words have the power to mend your heart, guide your growth, and lead you towards a brighter future.

I have designed my own journal to help you move on from divorce or breakup. 


The journal contains:

  • Over 100 Prompts: Thoughtfully curated journaling prompts guide you through the process of self-exploration, healing, and growth, providing inspiration and direction when you need it most.
  • Daily Reflections: Daily reflection pages encourage you to check in with yourself, celebrate your achievements, and cultivate gratitude for the blessings in your life, fostering a positive mindset and sense of empowerment.
  • Inspiring Quotes: Inspirational quotes and affirmations scattered throughout the journal provide encouragement, motivation, and reassurance, reminding you that you are strong, capable, and deserving of happiness.

Find out more about it



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